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Here's why that random leg was dangling from the wall in last night's Fair City

Continuity error or not, we’ve never seen someone climb a wall like that in our lives.

PastedImage-44894 Source: RTÉ

THERE ARE THREE things that are certain in life. Death, Taxes and the fact that Fair City are never going to free Katy. The longer this saga continues, the more we question how her freedom will be dealt with.

Are we going to see her have Brexit explained to her? Surely after 13 months imprisoned by Ciaran she will need intensive psychiatric care? A part of us feels like they’ll have her back in college the following Monday as if nothing major had happened.

We don’t know if that’s more to do with the way Fair City works or how Irish parents feel about kids missing school though. Anyway, less about Katy and more about ‘The Leg’.

Last night, viewers spotted a random little leg hanging down from the wall across the road from The Hungry Pig.

Here’s the video if you want to see the leg in action:

Click here if you can’t see the video.

Plenty of people believed it to be a continuity error, while some suspected that it was actually Ciaran’s leg.


We got in touch with RTÉ to clear things up once and for all.

They confirmed that the leg did in fact belong to Ciaran. He was simply hopping over to get into Emmet’s apartment unseen. I’d like to say that’s my mind at ease, but it really won’t be until the day I see Katy’s leg hopping over a wall to freedom.

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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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